This weekend I am finally buying the new video camera I've been planning on getting for yonks, so expect gratuitous cat photos and video shortly. Yes, it's my blog and I can act deranged if I want to.
</obsessive cat lady talk>
In other news, the rumours turned out to be true and two jobs have been advertised. I applied on the weekend and am trying not to get my hopes up this time. Even if the Manager of the area sent me an e-mail making sure that I knew that the jobs were there. Must not think about it. Must. Not.
Have a fairly busy weekend planned, with work drinks tomorrow night (the work socialising is getting slightly mental of late), a high tea date with the laydeez (and one boy) on Saturday, and a possible visit to the Abbey Medieval Festival on Sunday. I thought it would be a great chance for me to test out the new camera, by filming the mock sword fights and jousts and whatnot, but apparently cameras are Strictly Forbidden. Maybe because they weren't invented in medieval times. Or maybe people dressed as noblemen and women who play with weapons and call each other "good sir" and "wench" don't want to be filmed. I think it would be hilariously awesome.*
Look at the program, they have Morris Dancing!!
Gawwww, Dexter is even cuter in this photo.
Good name by the way, solid (serial killer) name.
I forgot about the eyelid licking, and also the eyebrow nuzzling and the necklace chomping.
Dammit, why is Poppy so big!
OK you must go and tell us exactly what happens with all the knights and wenches and so on. I'm too embarrassed to go to one of those things myself but I'd like to hear about it.
Meanwhile, I wonder why the medieval period is the subject of so many festivals, while the early modern period gets none at all. Does no one want to dress up as Johannes Gutenberg and make books all weekend? Or build replica Galileo telescopes?
Lucy, ah yes, Dexter does love a good chomp on the necklace. He also likes to randomly leap up and facebutt me. I've bought a video camera so expect an abundance of creepy cat videos soon! Well, at least one.
Mark, after careful review of the program, we decided not to go. Sorry! Though two of our friends have gone, so I will get a full report from them and let you know. Meanwhile, if you organise an Early Modern Festival then I will most definitely go. Telescopes, awesome!
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